The Sunday Riley B3 Nice Serum Improved My Skin

April 2024 · 3 minute read

As a beauty editor, I’m always trying out new skincare products; a quick look at my bathroom counter will prove it. But let’s get something straight: I’m pretty tough on what I deem worthy. So, when I fell in love with Sunday Riley’s B3 Nice Niacinamide Serum, I knew I had to tell you about it. 

I’ve been a fan of the Oprah-approved brand for quite some time, though the B3 Nice serum has only been on the market since December. Already, the brightening, pore-minimizing formula has racked up 2.2 billion views on TikTok and shoppers are saying it’s “saved [their] skin.” Others have said their complexions have “never looked better,” with one fan claiming their “skin tone is more even and soothed” and their redness is “completely” gone. Another user said it “cleared up” their acne and “tremendously” helped with hyperpigmentation — and let me just tell you, the B3 Nice serum really is that good.  


Shop now: $65;

I got to try out the serum about a month before it was released and I’ve been using it just about every day since. This serum has everything you need, packed with brightenyl to brighten the skin), EGCG, an antioxidant derived from green tea that helps you age gracefully, and trans-resveratrol to lighten dark spots,. But most importantly, it contains 10 percent niacinamide (AKA, vitamin B3) — currently one of the trendiest ingredients on the market. According to a previous conversation with New York City cosmetic and medical dermatologist Dr. Hadley King, niacinamide aids in healthy skin, improves skin tone and texture, and reduces discoloration. Being that I struggle with each one of those categories, I had nothing to lose.

Before using, I washed my face with Sunday Riley’s Ceramic Slip Cleanser, though any gentle face wash will do. Then, I applied three to four drops of the B3 Nice serum onto my face, neck, and décolleté. I knew right away that I was in for a treat. The gorgeous purple color looked luxurious, while the smell was so subtle, I could barely pick up on it. The consistency was silky, lending to a burst of hydration and a slight cooling effect, but perhaps most impressive was the instant glow it gave my skin. My high points lit up from within, making me want to ditch makeup for good. 

The B3 Nice serum passed the first impressions test, but I wondered if it would follow through. About three weeks and consistent twice-a-day use later, I noticed my skin was less oily and my pores (specifically around my nose) minimized in size. I also struggle with tiny bumps on my cheeks and leftover dark spots thanks to adult acne, but this powerful concoction zapped them away. Another added bonus was how good it felt. My skin was healing itself from the inside out without the use of harsh, uncomfortable treatments, and who doesn’t want that? 

The B3 Nice serum may have been released just under a month ago, but take my word for it: It’s only going to pick up speed from here. So follow my lead (and a bunch of other shoppers’), and bag your serum for $65 before it’s too late. 
