Lies Waco Told You About The Siege

April 2024 · 1 minute read

Waco unambiguously shows the ATF firing the first shots on February 28th, shooting at the Branch Davidians' dogs. This is, in reality, just one theory for what happened. We don't know who shot first and almost certainly never will.

One theory, as reported by Communities Magazine, posits that the ATF shot first, by accident — an ATF agent climbing a ladder may have accidentally discharged his pistol in its holster, which would sound like it came from inside the building. Early on, an ATF agent suggested the first shot was indeed the ATF firing at dogs, but he later retracted his statement, according to Frontline. Meanwhile, two journalists at the scene claimed that the shots originated from inside the compound. The FBI also claimed to have video that proved the Branch Davidians shot first, but never showed it at trial.

That both sides were ready to fight is without question. Who shot first, between the time that has passed and the lack of tangible evidence, is almost unknowable. To this day, both the ATF and surviving Branch Davidians swear that the other side took the first shots.
