This Marine Has Made A World Record For His Pull-Up Videos

March 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Quick Take

If forced to pick, the pull-up may be the single best upper body exercise there is. It works the lats, rhomboids, biceps and rear delts, and because it's a bodyweight movement, it's extremely functional. It's also incredibly difficult--a lot of men struggle to do one (if any), and being able to do anywhere between 10 and 15 is a legit accomplishment for most people.

But, as you may have guessed from the title of this post, Marine Corps Sgt. Michael Eckert is not most people. In fact, he's not any people. Watch him set the Guinness World Record for most pull-ups in 60 seconds by doing 50(!) of them.

But if you thumb through Sgt. Eckert's Instagram, his ability to tick off pull-ups the way most of us shotgun potato chips comes as no surprise. The man is truly a maestro on the pull-up bar.

I mean, Jesus. The kind of strength required to do some of these moves is all but unimaginable. When he feels like showing off, his pull-up game is so impressive that it almost doesn't look real.

If you one day aspire to this level of pull-up mastery, keep in mind that there's more to it than just having yoked lats. As Sgt. Eckert demonstrates here, core strength is key:

And finally, accept that a) Sgt. Eckert is himself exceptional, and b) that body weight exercises like pull-ups are different exercises for different people, depending on your body type.

For a lean dude on the smaller side like him, pull-ups amount to a difficult (but doable) endurance exercise. But for larger men, pull-ups are more of a strength move, and you should feel good about crossing the 10 pull-up threshold.
