Robert Rodriguez Wants To Direct A Han Solo-Centric Star Wars Movie

April 2024 · 2 minute read

By Rudie Obias | Published 11 years ago

This article is more than 2 years old


A few months ago when Disney acquired Lucasfilm, there was a lot of vocal excitement for more Star Wars movies. Especially since the word came that there could be standalone or spin-off movies that take place in the Star Wars universe, in addition to the core new trilogy. Now it appears director Robert Rodriguez would be open to making a Han Solo-centric Star Wars movie.

In an interview with MTV News, Rodriguez opened up to his feelings towards the new direction of the Star Wars franchise. Namely, if he had the opportunity, he would make a standalone Star Wars movie featuring the lovable scoundrel, Han Solo. “If there was something that somebody said, ‘Here, Han Solo, his own adventures.’ I’d go do that,” says Rodriguez.

The director went on to commend George Lucas for building a deep and vast universe, and cited him as a big inspiration for his own career. He also said that there wouldn’t be a Spy Kids, Machete, or El Mariachi film series if it wasn’t for George Lucas’ work with the Star Wars saga.

I don’t know. It depends on what it was. George really inspired me to do what I’m doing now, which is the same thing he did. He originally wanted and couldn’t get the rights to ‘Flash Gordon.’ He tried, couldn’t get it, so he went and wrote ‘Star Wars,’ which was his complete take on ‘Flash Gordon,’ even to the opening titles crawl that went that way…. I think if I asked [Lucas] for advice, he would say ‘Go make your own “Star Wars” universe, kid.’

Aside from the news that J.J. Abrams is directing and Michael Arndt writing Star Wars: Episode VII, there have been no official developments on the Star Wars front for standalone, non-trilogy films. But we’re still waiting to hear about anything along these lines including Joe Johnston’s long-rumored Boba Fett movie.
