Hunter Biden was a part of exclusive LA sex club, now-banned founder claims

April 2024 · 3 minute read

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, used to be a member of an exclusive Los Angeles sex club, but was kicked out for being a "scumbag," according to the club's founder.

Damon Lawner,founder of sex club "Snctm" (pronounced "sanctum"), made the accusation in a now-deleted Instagram post, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Hunter was a member at Snctm and I canceled his membership after 1 party because he’s a scumbag," Lawner reportedly said.

As a result of the post, Lawner has reportedly been booted from the club. According to a spokesperson, Lawner was banned for life for infringing on the club's code of conduct.

Snctm, as a private members club, prioritizes the safety and privacy of our esteemed members above all," the spokesperson reportedly told the Los Angeles Times. "Consequently, we neither confirm nor deny the identities of our attendees."Furthermore, we uphold a strict code of conduct, and any infringement leads to a lifetime ban," the spokesperson added. "Please note that Mr. Lawner’s membership has been revoked, effective immediately."

Members reportedly pay as much as $75,000 a year to receive the highest tier of benefits at Snctm.

Lawner started the exclusive club in 2013. It grew into a business billed as the world's most elite sex club, according to the New York Post. Lawner reportedly sold Snctm in 2019 for only $1 million.

Hunter Biden has long since been a figure of controversy. His laptop, allegedly filled with emails detailing various overseas business deals and naked pictures of himself doing drugs, was a political hot topic during the 2020 election, which his father won.

Most recently, Hunter Biden agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors for tax and gun charges, avoiding a trial and prison. Critics labeled his plea deal a “sweetheart deal” and claimed it was yet another example of a corrupt Department of Justice (DOJ), one with varying degrees of justice depending on who you are and how much money and influence you have.

This has been a favorable deal for the Bidens on multiple levels," Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, told The National Desk (TND). "I would seriously doubt any American facing those tax charges or a gun charge would be able to say 'I was on drugs so please let me off.'"

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz told TND that the DOJ only indicted President Biden's son "in order to create the oppression of equal justice." Dershowitz added he expects Congress to continue to investigate Hunter.

Now, if his lawyers correct that the investigation is completed, then he really can't plead the Fifth Amendment and he's going to have to answer questions about his own involvement and the allegations about his father's involvement," Dershowitz told TND. "So I suspect we're gonna see a continuation of the investigation by Congress.”
