Brittany Renners Response To Cam Newtons Take On Women

March 2024 · 3 minute read

Brittany Renner and Cam Newton are two of the most intriguing figures in pop culture today.

Although one is an NFL MVP who came within a game of winning a Super Bowl, and the other is primarily known for her dalliances with prominent men, both have found themselves in the headlines for similar things within the last year.

As of late Newton has become increasingly outspoken about how he views women and the dynamic between them and men. He and Renner had a fascinating conversation on the topic not long ago.

Newton’s reported girlfriend, Jasmin Brown, also has spoken out at length about being submissive to her male counterpart.

What does a submissive woman do for her alpha man in a romantic dynamic? @watchjazzy explains the Art of Being Submissive. Listen here

— Shan Boodram (@shanboody) June 29, 2022

“I’ve been known to love people back to health, and sometimes it’s very draining, but my love is my superpower. And I used to hate that about myself,” she said.

“But now I’m just embracing it. If I love you, I can heal you. It’s my joy… I love to see him eating the meal that I cooked. I love seeing him sleep easy. Every night, like clockwork. I scratch this man’s back until he falls asleep.”

This week, Renner responded to Newton’s comments and Brown’s comments with her own general take on submissive women.

“It’s painfully obvious why men love the idea of a submissive woman,” she said. “Submissive, per its definition, is ‘ready to conform to the authority or will of others.’

“The prefix ‘sub-‘ means under. Think of subpar, submarine. In short, your world is under his. Now there seems to be a theme here. Good girls versus bad girls,” Renner continued.

“A lock that can be opened with many keys is a broken lock, and if you ‘can’t submit to the man, you’re going to die alone.’ So my question to men is: Do you want Perfect Polly? A Puppet? A Prisoner? Or a partner who has no problem overtly challenging you?”

Renner was also quick to add an addendum to that general idea.

“King treatment, and knowing your partner’s love languages- that’s one thing,” she said. “Being submissive is a whole other thing. It’s its own thing. So if you find yourself abandoning your wants, needs, desires to make something work, I’m here to tell you, it was never a match to begin with.”

While a lot of people’s biggest takeaway from Newton’s past interview with Renner was him seemingly rejecting her to her face, his take on women actually rubbed a lot of folks the wrong way.

At least one prominent NFL girlfriend publicly spoke out against it – only to be dumped shortly thereafter.

It’s also hard to ignore that Newton’s rise as an opinion-giver on male-female relationships seems to coincide with a decline in his football prowess. He remains without a true home for next season, and it doesn’t look like that will change any time soon.

Last month 2 NFL teams were believed to have interest in him, but neither has pulled the trigger as of yet.

Yikes Chiefs.

— Game 7 (@game7__) July 29, 2022

The longer Newton goes unsigned, the more he will continue to make headlines for stuff like this over substantive football accomplishments.

What will the Carolina Panthers legend ultimately go viral for next?

Time will tell.

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A longtime sports reporter, Carlos Garcia has written about some of the biggest and most notable athletic events of the last 5 years. He has been credentialed to cover MLS, NBA and MLB games all over the United States. His work has been published on Fox Sports, Bleacher Report, AOL and the Washington Post.
