Netflix Canceled Grace And Frankie. It's Pretty Clear Why

April 2024 · 2 minute read

Perhaps money really is the root of all evil — or at least in the case of Netflix canceling their beloved series Grace and Frankie. Vanity Fair initially reported Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin were "outraged" after learning their male counterparts on the show, actors Sam Waterston and Martin Sheen, were being paid the same salary as them. And apparently they weren't too happy about it. What's that saying, "Happy wife, happy life"? Maybe that applies to work wives too.

During a candid press conference, the leading ladies publicly vented their frustrations. "[Tomlin] found out [Sam Waterston and Martin Sheen] are getting the same salary that we are," Fonda announced during the conference (via VF). "That doesn't make us happy," she concluded. Yikes!

It's worth noting, however, that shortly after the story ran both Fonda and Tomlin issued yet another statement, singing a fairly different tune. "We made a joke in an interview about our salaries which was taken out of context. This just reminds us to be mindful of how things come across in interviews. We appreciate everyone's support and the attention to this issue but the structure of Grace and Frankie is fair, and we couldn't be happier to work with Skydance, Netflix and the great cast of this show," the statement read. 

And while all that may be true... it's possible the damage had already been done. After all, as the saying goes: You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
