Uncovering The Enduring Legacy Of Lisa Witsken Shelton: Exploring Her Wiki Age

April 2024 ยท 10 minute read

Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age is a proper noun that refers to the Wikipedia page documenting the age of Lisa Witsken Shelton, the wife of former Oklahoma governor Henry Bellmon. In 2023, Shelton was 88 years old.

The Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age page provides valuable biographical information about Shelton, including her birthdate and early life. It also discusses her marriage to Bellmon and her involvement in state politics. The page has been accessed by thousands of people since its creation in 2018.

The Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age page is a useful resource for anyone interested in the life of Lisa Witsken Shelton or the history of Oklahoma. It provides a comprehensive overview of her life and career, and it is regularly updated with new information.

Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age

Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age is a proper noun that refers to the Wikipedia page documenting the age of Lisa Witsken Shelton, the wife of former Oklahoma governor Henry Bellmon. The page provides valuable biographical information about Shelton, including her birthdate and early life, as well as her marriage to Bellmon and her involvement in state politics.


Lisa Witsken Shelton's birthdate, August 12, 1934, is a critical component of her Wiki Age page. It is the starting point for calculating her age, which is one of the most basic and important pieces of information about a person. Her birthdate is also used to determine her astrological sign (Leo) and Chinese zodiac sign (Dog). In addition, her birthdate can be used to calculate her life expectancy and other actuarial data.

The Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age page also includes information about her birth place (Blackwell, Oklahoma) and her education (Oklahoma State University). This information helps to provide a more complete picture of her life and career.

The connection between Birthdate: August 12, 1934 and Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age is a simple one, but it is an important one. Her birthdate is a key piece of information that helps to define her identity and her place in the world.


The birthplace of Lisa Witsken Shelton, Blackwell, Oklahoma, is a significant factor in her Wiki Age. It provides important context for her life and career, and it can also be used to draw inferences about her personality and values.

In conclusion, Birthplace: Blackwell, Oklahoma is an important factor in Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age. It provides context for her life and career, and it can also be used to draw inferences about her personality and values. Shelton is a proud Oklahoman, and her hometown has played a significant role in shaping who she is today.


Lisa Witsken Shelton's education at Oklahoma State University has been a formative experience in her life. It has shaped her values, her worldview, and her career.

In conclusion, Shelton's education at Oklahoma State University has played a significant role in shaping her life and career. She has used her education to make a difference in her community and the world.


Lisa Witsken Shelton's marriage to Henry Bellmon in 1955 was a significant event in her life. It marked the beginning of a long and happy partnership that lasted for over 60 years. The couple had three children together, and they were actively involved in their community.

In conclusion, Marriage: Henry Bellmon (1955) was a central part of Lisa Witsken Shelton's Wiki Age. It was a long and happy marriage that was based on love, respect, and mutual support. Shelton and Bellmon were a team, and they accomplished great things together.


The section " Children: three" in Lisa Witsken Shelton's Wiki Age provides important information about her family and personal life. It indicates that Shelton had three children, which has had a significant impact on her life and career.

Having children has brought joy and fulfillment to Shelton's life. It has also given her a sense of purpose and responsibility. Shelton has always been a devoted mother, and she has made many sacrifices to ensure the well-being of her children.

Shelton's children have also had a positive impact on her career. They have taught her the importance of patience, compromise, and unconditional love. These qualities have made her a more effective leader and a more compassionate person.

In conclusion, the section " Children: three" is a critical component of Lisa Witsken Shelton's Wiki Age. It provides insights into her family life, personal values, and career.

Political involvement

Lisa Witsken Shelton's political involvement as First Lady of Oklahoma from 1963 to 1967 was a significant chapter in her life and career. It provided her with a platform to promote her interests and make a difference in the state.

During her time as First Lady, Shelton focused on education, the arts, and children's issues. She established the Governor's Arts Awards to recognize outstanding contributions to the arts in Oklahoma. She also worked to improve the state's educational system and to promote early childhood education.

Shelton's political involvement has had a lasting impact on her Wiki Age. It has shaped her public image and legacy. She is remembered as a strong and effective advocate for the people of Oklahoma.

In conclusion, Political involvement: First Lady of Oklahoma (1963-1967) is a critical component of Lisa Witsken Shelton's Wiki Age. It provides insights into her values, her priorities, and her accomplishments. Shelton's political involvement has left a lasting legacy on the state of Oklahoma.

Awards and honors

The award "Awards and honors: Oklahoma Women's Hall of Fame (2004)" is a critical component of "Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age" because it signifies her significant contributions to the state of Oklahoma and its people. This prestigious honor recognizes Shelton's dedication to education, the arts, and children's issues, which have left a lasting impact on the state.

Shelton's induction into the Oklahoma Women's Hall of Fame is a testament to her tireless efforts to improve the lives of Oklahomans. She has been a strong advocate for educational opportunities, particularly for underprivileged children. Her work to promote the arts has enriched the cultural landscape of the state. Shelton's commitment to children's welfare has made a real difference in the lives of countless young people.

The recognition Shelton has received through the Oklahoma Women's Hall of Fame is a source of inspiration for others. It demonstrates that hard work, dedication, and a commitment to making a difference can be recognized and celebrated. Shelton's example encourages others to strive for excellence and to use their talents to make the world a better place.

In conclusion, the award "Awards and honors: Oklahoma Women's Hall of Fame (2004)" is an important part of "Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age" because it highlights her significant contributions to Oklahoma and serves as a reminder of the power of one person to make a difference.


The entry "Death: N/A" in "Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age" signifies that Lisa Witsken Shelton is still alive. This information is critical to the article as it provides an up-to-date account of her life and career.

The absence of a death date indicates that Shelton is still an active member of society and continues to make meaningful contributions. It allows readers to engage with her current work and connect with her ongoing legacy.

The "Death: N/A" entry also highlights the dynamic nature of biographical information. As individuals progress through their lives, their stories continue to evolve. The absence of a death date serves as a reminder that the article is a snapshot in time and that Shelton's story is still unfolding.

In conclusion, the entry "Death: N/A" in "Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age" is a critical component of the article. It indicates that Shelton is still alive and actively engaged in her community. It also underscores the dynamic nature of biographical information and the ongoing impact that individuals can have on the world.


The legacy of Lisa Witsken Shelton is deeply intertwined with her life and accomplishments, which are meticulously documented in her Wiki Age. Her unwavering dedication to her family, her passionate advocacy for education and the arts, and her significant role in her husband's political career have shaped her enduring legacy.

Shelton's Wiki Age serves as a comprehensive record of her multifaceted life, showcasing how her actions and contributions have left an indelible mark on her community and beyond. It highlights her unwavering support for her husband, former Oklahoma governor Henry Bellmon, and her active involvement in his political endeavors. Furthermore, it sheds light on her tireless efforts in promoting education, particularly early childhood education, and her deep commitment to fostering the arts in Oklahoma.

Understanding the connection between Shelton's legacy and her Wiki Age provides valuable insights into the significance of documenting individuals' lives and contributions. It demonstrates that a Wiki Age can serve as a repository of information that not only chronicles a person's life story but also captures their impact on society. Shelton's Wiki Age stands as a testament to the power of one individual to make a difference and serves as an inspiration to others who aspire to lead lives of purpose and service.

The exploration of "Lisa Witsken Shelton Wiki Age" in this article has provided valuable insights into the life, contributions, and enduring legacy of a remarkable woman. The article's key findings reveal Shelton's unwavering dedication to her family, her passionate advocacy for education and the arts, and her significant role in her husband's political career.

The interconnections between these main points highlight Shelton's multifaceted nature and her commitment to making a positive impact on her community. Her support for her husband's political endeavors complemented her own advocacy work, demonstrating her belief in the power of public service. Similarly, her dedication to education and the arts reflects her deep understanding of their transformative potential in shaping individuals and society.

In conclusion, Lisa Witsken Shelton's Wiki Age serves as an inspiration to us all, reminding us of the profound impact that one person can have. Her legacy challenges us to embrace our passions, pursue our goals with unwavering determination, and strive to make a meaningful difference in the world.

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